
“It's an interesting town, and you can use the word town, 'cause if you look at a map there's a little circle at the end of a dirt road called Alpine,” said Dick Wise, whose family owns a cabin there.

Although the town of Alpine has a post office and store in the summer, the town is actually a group of private cabin owners that form the East Rosebud Lake Association. This association was started in 1911 by a group of investors including John Branger. They began preserving the private mountain hamlet nestled on the shore beneath the Beartooth Mountains.

The town might have disappeared from the map if it wasn't for people like Karl Morledge and Laura Marie Anderson, who endured the long cold winters at 6300 feet to care for the association's cabins. They are among a long line of managers who were the only year-round residents in town. The Morledge's family cabin is like many of the cabins - family tradition and history run deep within that cabin's walls.